Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Addition

Matt and I got a new puppy, Buddy (formally Vin Vin), from the Birmingham Humane Society on Sunday afternoon. He is 2 months and 2 weeks old according to the shelter (Valentine baby). He is a German Shepard/Chow mix. Chloe seemed a little jealous at first, but now she seems to really enjoy having him around. She now has a little play buddy. I videotaped both of them playing in the yard this morning on my new Canon HD Powershot camera/video recorder that Matt got me for our one year anniversary.

If you're interested in a pet, adopt a rescue animal. They are always so appreciative and loving. Both Chloe and Buddy are rescue puppies and they are the best!

Our little Bama Babies ^

Come back now....ya here!